Beating Goliath (We're Back!)

To beat Goliath like law firms, all you need is a slingshot.

Last week, I met the president of a large business that was tired of the “client focused” service they were getting at their Goliath & Partners law firm.

Actually, he was livid.

About footing the cost of educating a firm about a new emerging trend.

About their lack of involvement. About the massive opportunities lost by their inefficiencies.

They aren’t afraid to invest in their partners. It was never about the size of the bills. It was by this treatment.

They didn’t feel respected by this. They felt they were just a cash cow for Goliath & Co.

All we needed was a slingshot to fell this beast.

We didn’t toot our own horn.

We didn’t dress up in suits.

We showed up, listened, and figured out their true business concerns. We started to help them. We solved real problems, and engaged with them the way they wanted.

And Goliath is now being unceremoniously kicked out.

The kids call it “ghosting”.

This client will be ghosting their law firm completely. Their “client first” approach might not even find out for months after.

Show up, listen, and serve. That’s the slingshot today (and always).

It isn’t rocket science. It’s just a slingshot.

We’re back after a hiatus!

The last few months have been a rollercoaster of changes in both our personal lives (for the better!). So we had to take a bit of a break.

This summer, we have been strategizing and planning out the coming year.

Over the coming weeks, you will hear more about our plans.

Our goal is to reach more people. Our goal is to give away more content (for free) than ever before. Our goal is to drive meaningful change in this profession.

So if you have a Biz Dev related question (whether it’s client facing, psychological or firm related), send us an email anytime to let us know!

We want to cover your questions on here.
