Happy Holidays

Less than a year ago, we started Build Your Book with a humble vision: to train people how to do business development more effectively.

The more success you can have with business development, the greater freedom, flexibility, options, control, and compensation you can have in your career.

After having spoken to hundreds of people since then, we learned that it has been about so much more!

It has become this profoundly inner process of changing how people see things.

How you see yourselves, your value, and how you see the world.

The change you’ve seen from going from scarcity to abundance.

From feeling rushed all the time to feeling open with time.

Feeling a real sense of security.

Feeling confident and an equal with clients.

More than anything, it’s been about your courage to be authentic, more human everyday. The joy that’s come from it, and the satisfaction in your life.

Thank you for giving us the privilege to see that.

We can’t wait to do more in the coming year to help with your success, happiness, and peace.

Happy Holidays! To you and your family.

Aaron & Dhawal
