Why Law Firm Brands Suck

Your brand is not your LinkedIn profile. It isn’t your law firm profile.

Most of that is corporate jargon.

Law firms pay upwards of $1 million a year to Chief Marketing Officers to produce mostly jargon.

In a publication aimed at CEOs, 4 top tier NY law firm CMOs were asked what sets their law firm apart. Here were their answers:

FIRM 1: “Our people, expertise and the cross border global nature of the firm are what set us apart. We are a global elite law firm, advising on some of the most significant marquee disputes and transactions that shape our clients’ businesses and the industries in which they operate. Our successes point towards excellence and our robust global platform. Our lawyers and staff operate with a mindset of distinction and dedication throughout everything they do.”

FIRM 2: “Our difference starts with our attorneys and their commitment to our clients. Our priority is understanding the businesses of our clients and letting that dictate our legal strategy. We also value retention and relationship-service as a key to success – we have some clients who have been with the firm since its inception, and many who have worked with us for decades over hundreds of matters. These institutional relationships continue to grow not just because we provide clients with excellent legal advice, but because we care about their growth and success.”

FIRM 3: “Our core strength is our consistent, intense focus on teamwork. It sets us apart in the industry. We delivered exceptional client outcomes last year against the backdrop of a tremendously uncertain environment and a scary time for us all personally, and this is a testament to our guiding values. This level of teamwork is only possible because we have exceptional people. The spirit of our people, who are skilled, creative and innovative, and our dedication to our clients, no matter the circumstance, is what made the year we just had happen. We operate in a way that makes our institution unique.”

FIRM 4: “We are a purpose-driven firm with an unparalleled reputation for excellence and professionalism. Our commitment to improving our communities and to fighting for social and racial justice dates back to our earliest days, long before such efforts were popular. We don’t try to be all things to all clients; we focus on five areas where we lead the market. Our firm’s entrepreneurial spirit and adaptability enable us to not just survive challenges and uncertainty, but to thrive.”

Any idea what sets one apart from the other? I know I can’t figure it out either.

Now look at your own profile. If we remove your name and photo, can your clients understand when they look at your profile from another?

Rather, a real brand is built up of 3 things: sharing your knowledge, sharing your networks, and sharing your humanity. More on that in the coming posts.

Thanks to Patrick J. McKenna for the above insights.

Talking about building an authentic brand, we’re now almost sold out on the Sunday morning cohorts for the 8 week Authentic Business Builder workshop. One attendee said, “people now come to ME as if they’ve known me for years. They bring me ideas, business, opportunities I could never have imagined. I knew about many of these ideas before, but you guys brought them to life for me. The short investment has more than paid up for it in money, but also a better work life.” The link to apply is right here. Probably the best investment you can make for the coming year to build your practice.
