The First Sale You Make

The first sale you make is to yourself.

The first client you bring on is you.

People often come to us feeling shy, self-conscious, awkward about promoting themselves at conferences, LinkedIn. They feel like they’re being too pushy to ask for the sale.

There is no trick or hack to get past that feeling without consider the bigger questions.

What is the worth of your work? What is your vision for your work? How do you wish to serve your clients? Where do you thrive?

Answering these questions require honest self-reflection.

There’s a reason why for most of our clients, at least one session ends up sounds more like therapy than “BD coaching”.

You cannot fake it.

Without real answers to these questions, you won’t feel comfortable promoting yourself. Or asking for the sale. Or going after the work that you’re here to do.

Have you made this first sale to yourself?

This level of honest self-reflection requires a safe, honest, and open space. We’re proud to create that by carefully choosing small cohorts of partners, solo-practitioners, and senior associates in our flagship 8 week course. The next cohort starts in January (on 9th or 10th start dates)–a great way to start the new year! If you’re looking to expand your business development efforts authentically, it’s time to learn more and apply for The Authentic Business Builder cohort.
