The Start of Something New

Let’s face it. Building your book of business, and your career won’t happen overnight.

It’s through a constrant drip of ideas, actions, and inspiration that things start to change. At first, it’s barely perceptible. Then, it becomes a roar.

That’s what the Authentic Lawyer Project is all about. It’s an extension of Build Your Book, where we’ve been working with dozens of lawyers in small groups to create real meaningful transformations in their book of business, their practice, and their lives.

Now, we want to share our best ideas, voices, and inspiration with you. Little droplets of ideas, shared twice a week.

And we’re giving it away, for free. None of our posts will be under any copyright (unless noted). In fact, we’re writing with a Creative Commons BY 4.0 License, which means you’re free to re-use our emails/posts, even commercially.

We believe that generosity and abundance are the currency of the 21st century. We believe that authentic lawyers across the world lead with these traits. We’ve seen in our own life that when we give freely, we get back multi-fold in our contribution, in clients, opportunities, ideas, and happiness.

That’s why we are choosing to give away our best ideas to you for free. You can read more about our license here.

Starting Thursday, we will start sending these ideas your way.

The emails will be as short as this. Our first post: a work-in-progress manifesto for what we stand for as authentic lawyers.

What would you like to hear us write about? Feel free to click below and leave comments on our site.
